Sweat & (Outside of) the City

The ultimate car driver has RETURNED from the big city to a delightful land where she can tool around in Flanders, the 2004 Civic. That's right, I'm on Long Island.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'm a Winner...

yep, i won 2 tix to see ben folds at radio city music hall
and i get to meet him
(of course, i have no desire to meet him
i don't like to meet people i like
don't want to make a fool of myself)
anyway, here's why i won, i'm sure of it
because BK already bought tickets
but still, it's nice to be a winner
i guess i should have bought more powerball tickets

i just got confirmation that thanksgiving will be in delaware
aunt ann and uncle pete are the only redeeming parts
of that dreary, toll-infested state

so last weekend was a live music fiesta
and i almost got my ass kicked
two mike doughty shows
one in towson
(which is digitally reproduced here)
and one in NYC
with becky, and sarah, and shimpy, and lizzie, and bk
and a very annoying man where a hat
who doesn't like it when someone tries to steal said hat
anyway, the shows were good
but too damn short
not enough banter, and way too scripted
i prefer the MD of the dive bar by monmouth
ah, the good old days

tonight i am going to activist training for planned parenthood
i wonder what i will learn
perhaps some good chants
or the best way to hold my body when the
cops try to drag me off from a protest!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Another taboo

I'm blogging at work
but i swear
this will take less than 2 minutes
some people take smoke breaks
i'm taking a blog break

so i'm sill in a city funk
but the weather is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!
that helps things
it's finally fall
about damn time

i returned from jersey
with an increased appreciation for the 'burbs
specifically, the quiet of a housing development
(as i write this
a dump truck is doing its thing in front of my office)
i came home with 48 english muffins
because i am now super thrifty
and they were on sale
this living life on a budget blows
as i have discovered i really like buying stuff
not big stuff, like cars or sacks of blow
but things like diet coke and magazines
however, the payment of no debt will be worth it

and on that note
i'm going to make some spreadsheets
ah, spreadsheets
i love my life

Thursday, October 13, 2005

I Said I Wasn't Going to Do This

i made a vow (too strong a word) to not talk about work
perhaps it was because i read the article on the chronicle
about professionals who share WAY too much on their blogs
also, there's so much i could say about work
that it could get overwhelming
and finally, i don't want my coworkers to read this
and perhaps misinterpret stuff

but screw that
tonight i was hung up on again
by my "super"
and i'm pissed
i'm pissed off that it's acceptable for me
to be treated like that
i'm pissed off that when someone heard
that was the super's reaction
my behavior was immediately questioned
what the fuck?
i need to baby this guy into doing his job?
the fucking ceiling fell in
i'm not calling because i want you to paint my bathroom
this is ridiculous
i'm sick of being the fucking red-headed stepchild
and i'm sick of being the only one sick of it
(well, except for matt
who had to endure this for 2 years)

and on that note
i can't wait to get out of this city
and away from this building

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Title Me This

i've picked a new template
not sure if i'm feeling it

so i've hit my 3-month mark here in the city
i don't feel like one of those people
who arrrives here and thinks
"YES! My life has now begun!
I will know nothing other than this grand city"
indeed, perhaps the opposite
i feel like i know this is truly only a stage
i'm not long for this urban world
actually, that's not true
i think i'd like to live in other great american cities
i know that i don't want a mcmansion
so i'm not going all suburban
but i do think that a city like seattle or san diego
is more my speed
it's city living, but i can drive a damn car
gosh, isn't that sad how i miss driving?
frankly, it just makes life easier

and i'd just like to say
"hello fall, it's about damn time you showed up!"
yes, i've put the capri pants away
and for the 2nd day in a row
i haven't worn flip flops
it's been gray and sorta chilly
i just love it
(again, why did i leave seattle?)

but one of the bestest things about living
in the world's number 1 city
(if you want to be ethnocentric about it)
is that every musical act known to man comes thru town
i saw the john mayer trio last week
and it was really damn good
i wasn't excited at all
it's JM's side project, blues-focused group
but i liked it a ton
the best part was that he looked like
he was having the time of his life
i love watching musicians who are in a groove
who aren't going thru the motions

i tried to get u2 tix
but apparently scalpers are more deserving than i am
there is a special place in hell
for the bastards who buy tickets
and jack up prices via the internet

but now i will go to sleep

this weekend is a grand jersey adventure with shimpy
bring on the malls!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


so of course this post will start off
with a reflection on reality tv
now i'm watching "the amazing race"
and the folks are driving to DC down 95
and there's a sign for 695 Towson
woo hoo!!
but i am truly scared for america
as people in this show didn't know if pennsylvania was a state
(and that was a freakin' mother)
and her teenage daughter thought DC was in Washington state
well, there's a convincing argument for nature/nuture
and the sterotypical "eye-talian" family from the garden state
give new jersey a bad name

this weekend i rocked the heck out
on sunday neil and i saw the happiest (and largest) band in america
the polyphonic spree
followed by beck
then monday brought erica and i to philly
to see my former seattle neighbors pearl jam
(terribly overpriced evil ebay seller tickets)
it was a great show
very loud and very rocking
ah eddie vedder, a very drunk, but very earnest frontman
everytime i go to a rock show
i think "i'm getting to damn old for this"
but not really, i'm young at heart

and thanks to everyone for their confirmation
that the mundane is sometimes a welcome relief
first stop, a blog
next stop, one of those VH1 clip shows!