Sweat & (Outside of) the City

The ultimate car driver has RETURNED from the big city to a delightful land where she can tool around in Flanders, the 2004 Civic. That's right, I'm on Long Island.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Ah, the Irony

so I just got an email from the people at car talk
(the excellent NPR radio show)
saying that they liked the message i left them about
my crappy air conditioning while idling
i can't wait to tell them i crashed the car
i wonder if that'll make it on air?


  • At 2:40 PM, August 10, 2007, Blogger Bryn said…

    Hi Katie,

    So you crashed the car?

    Are you ok?

    Talked to Kelly and Anthony last night - they were together watching my cousin (ichiro).

    Have a great day!

    If you need a ford, I know a guy. But I drive Japanese cars...so you know.


  • At 9:36 AM, August 17, 2007, Blogger Unknown said…

    So I heard you were in DC. JESUS CHRIST!!! Thanks for the heads up. How's life?

  • At 2:52 AM, December 03, 2007, Blogger Unknown said…

    Did it ever make it to the air?

    Yeah -- found your blog through a combination of Matt's and insomnia. Hope all's well in the new job and whatnot...



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