Sweat & (Outside of) the City

The ultimate car driver has RETURNED from the big city to a delightful land where she can tool around in Flanders, the 2004 Civic. That's right, I'm on Long Island.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Twice in (About) One Week--A New Blogging Record

first off
when i logged on today and saw 7 comments
i was shocked
i'd like to share one little thought
"be more like prude"
she's anonymous according to blogger, but signs her missive
so if you wander over here, sign your name!
(perhaps my demanding nature will scare off my many readers!)

so here's a health update
no news yet except that johns hopkins charges 69 cents a page for your medical records
i have so many records that i have to tell them to send me an estimate before they make the copies
sorry trees!
this is a task that won't be accomplished until once the tax refund comes in
come on new school, where's my w-2???

how shocked was everyone to hear about heath ledger?
it's so sad when someone that young and talented dies
but it's even sadder when he leaves behind a little daughter

i had my two new RAs move in today
and darn if they aren't adorable!
this semester just has to be better than fall
i have a good feeling about the spring

and finally, i saw "cloverfield" this weekend
a great roller coaster ride of a movie
can't wait to see it again!


  • At 11:42 AM, January 23, 2008, Blogger BK said…

    OK...I liked "Cloverfield." The theme music at the end "Roar! (Cloverfield Overture)" contained all the cliche bits of Japanese monster movie music...that alone was awesome, I thought.


    Did you stay for the final part of the recording at the very end of the end credits?

    Also, did you see the supposed thing falling out of the sky in the last Coney Island scene on the tape? I think people just "want" to see something that isn't really there...most people say it is just the wake from a boat.

    My one, really big implausibility moment...when Rob gets the cell phone call from his mother...while in the midst of a monster attack on the city, which would certainly knock out service...but throw in the fact that he is on a subway platform...well, it's hard to believe he would be able to get service under all of those conditions.

    Also, I need to get some of those batteries for my video camera.

    And did the helicopter HAVE to fly right over the monster? It looked like both the 'copter and the monster were going in a straight line...you would think the 'copter would be trying to veer away from the damn thing.

    OK...so those were the three implausible things I had real problems with.

    - BK

  • At 5:27 PM, January 23, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    juno, can't get enough. only if the world lived and thought the honesty in that film. i like my privacy, unlike what your president may think.

  • At 1:15 PM, January 24, 2008, Blogger BK said…


    Apparently, there is something falling into the water in the Coney Island scene.


    Read the second paragraph of Cloverfield director Matt Reeves' answer to the "sequel" question...and then ComingSoon.net's follow-up question.

    - BK

  • At 10:42 PM, January 29, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just wanted to leave this as Anonymous to tease you!


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