Sweat & (Outside of) the City

The ultimate car driver has RETURNED from the big city to a delightful land where she can tool around in Flanders, the 2004 Civic. That's right, I'm on Long Island.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ah, the 90s

after i correctly answered a question last night
on the world series of pop culture about "pulp fiction"
(they should have picked us for that show
anyway, i realized i hadn't seen that movie in a long time
and lo and behold
it's on bravo right now
granted, it's scrubbed fairly clean
with every usage of "fuck" replaced with "suck"
or else they just silence the scene
there was 12 seconds of silence
this must have been a particularly salty scene

and now even more 90s goodness
please enjoy this clip of canadian "rockers" nickelback
covering soul coughing's "super bon bon"
it's good for a laugh
and yes, there's fire in it
it makes me really enjoy mike doughty all the more
now that i see what people will do to his songs


  • At 9:56 AM, August 09, 2006, Blogger that mckim girl said…

    i am moving to the city
    on saturday the 12th
    this saturday

    lizzie is helping me move up
    you are welcome to stop by
    it is technically in long island city
    but shows up on maps of astoria as well

    lizzie better come up and visit a lot

    i can't do this nearly
    as well as you


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