Sweat & (Outside of) the City

The ultimate car driver has RETURNED from the big city to a delightful land where she can tool around in Flanders, the 2004 Civic. That's right, I'm on Long Island.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Silly Blogger

ok, that last post about alaska doesn't make sense
since blogger seems to have eaten my entry
where i explain about my trip in july
so here's a recap
i'm going to be spending july 8-22 in anchorage alaska
with a team from habitat for humanity working to give
deserving people a home
and you can help make this happen
by donating to help send me
(but not pressure...)

and speaking of donations
shout out to BK
Brian Kelley, continuing to support me in all that i do (especially financially!)
by making my first donation!!
and he did it as a test to see if the system worked!

and i woke up this morning to an email
saying that the queen of good causes
ms. maureen "heck yeah i'm an ironwoman!" atkins
has generously donated
thanks mo!
(a thank you note is forthcoming...)


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