Sweat & (Outside of) the City

The ultimate car driver has RETURNED from the big city to a delightful land where she can tool around in Flanders, the 2004 Civic. That's right, I'm on Long Island.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Potomac Sweep

i am officially a proud barack obama supporter
yes, i started off as a john edwards fan
but part of me knew that he wasn't going to be the next president
so when he dropped out
it was time to decide, hillary or barack
and it was an easy decision

and while i do have serious doubts about america's ability
to elect a non-white president
but these past few weeks have given me hope
and those doubts have dwindled (but not yet completely subsided)
and honestly, isn't that what barack obama is about?

i am excited about the future with obama
bring on texas and ohio, the must-wins for hillary
(and boy, it is damn tacky of her to try to get the florida and michigan delegates seated)